About Budjik Outdoors


Welcome to Budjik Outdoors a new online business to bring you great gear at a good price.

As the founder of Budjik Outdoors I have been doing outdoor activities for most of my life.  From the farm, scouts, exercise and sport at university, camping, tramping and even 4WD I've tried a few things and have always wanted good gear.  It's been always on my mind that I'd love to work with this gear, so, here we are!


Budjik ?

I grew up on a farm in the west of Victoria in Australia.  The closest town is called Kaniva now, but, over 100 years ago it's original name was Budjik Hill.  Budjik is reported to be an Australian Aboriginal word from the local indigenous dialect to mean Stone Axe, just in-case your interested.

While we are a small team now we hope that by providing good products, good service, and some innovation we can grow, and improve our offerings to us all.

Thank you for visiting Budjik Outdoors.

Andrew Rich
Managing Director